Basketball Court 2 - Green Community West

Basketball Court 2 - Green Community West is close to Cornflower Way, Green Community, Dubai Investments Park, Green Community West, Dubai

  • Address: X5X5+868 - Green Community Village - Green Community West - Dubai - United Arab Emirates
  • Phone: +971 50 885 2010
  • Latitude, Longtitude: 24.9982799, 55.1580825

Basketball Court 2 - Green Community West, opening hours today

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Basketball Court 2 - Green Community West reviews
2023-10-02 Ahmed

The basketball court is great, with nice facilities and amenities. The initial impression was positive and the atmosphere was energetic. The decor is simple but functional. The customer service and staff were friendly and helpful. The value for money is reasonable. Overall, it was a great experience.

2023-10-02 Fatima

The basketball court at Basketball Court 2 - Green Community West is well-maintained. The initial impression was positive and the atmosphere was lively. The decor is modern and appealing. The customer service and staff were friendly and professional. The value for money is good. Overall, it was a satisfying experience.

2023-10-02 Mohammed

The basketball court is decent, but the facilities and amenities could be improved. The initial impression was average and the atmosphere was okay. The decor is outdated. The customer service and staff were average. The value for money is not great. Overall, it was a mediocre experience.

2023-10-17 Layla

Basketball Court 2 - Green Community West has a nice basketball court. The initial impression was positive and the atmosphere was energetic. The decor is simple but clean. The customer service and staff were friendly and helpful. The value for money is reasonable. Overall, it was a great experience.

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