Dubai Islamic Bank ATM

Dubai Islamic Bank ATM is close to ADNOC, Digdaga Road, Adhan, Ras al-Khaimah

  • Address: East 18, Adnoc Petroleum Station - Ras al Khaimah - United Arab Emirates
  • Phone: +971 4 609 2222
  • Latitude, Longtitude: 25.4650612, 55.9796112

Dubai Islamic Bank ATM, opening hours today

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Dubai Islamic Bank ATM reviews
2023-09-13 Ahmed

The ATM at Dubai Islamic Bank is always clean and well-maintained. The decor is simple and professional. 5/5

2023-09-13 Laila

I find the fees charged by this ATM to be quite high compared to other banks. It's not worth the extra cost. 3/5

2023-09-13 Yousef

The customer service at this ATM is top-notch. The staff is always friendly and helpful. 5/5

2023-09-28 Fatima

I never have to wait long when using this ATM. It's always quick and efficient. 4/5

2023-10-03 Khalid

I appreciate that this ATM allows for reservations. It's convenient to be able to secure a time slot in advance. 4/5

2023-10-08 Mariam

Overall, my experience with this ATM has been positive. The initial impression is welcoming and the atmosphere is calm. 4/5

2023-10-13 Mohammed

I have found the quality of the services provided by this ATM to be excellent. I have never had any issues. 5/5

2023-10-18 Aisha

The facilities and amenities at this ATM are basic but sufficient. It has everything I need. 4/5

2023-10-23 Ahmed

I had a personal experience where this ATM malfunctioned and did not dispense my cash. It was a frustrating experience. 2/5

2023-10-28 Fatima

The ambiance and decor of this ATM is pleasant. It feels modern and clean. 4/5

2023-11-02 Saeed

The value for money at this ATM is good. The fees are reasonable considering the convenience it offers. 4/5

2023-11-07 Huda

The staff at this ATM are always polite and professional. They go above and beyond to assist customers. 5/5

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